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    Testi sisältää yhteensä 6 sivua. Suosittelemme varaamaan testin tekoon aikaa noin 20 min. Älä käytä apuvälineitä (sanakirjat ym.) tai palaa takaisin jo täytettyihin osioihin. Huomio: Jos jätät jotkut kohdat tyhjiksi, etkä vastaa niihin mitään, niin ne tulkitaan vääräksi vastaukseksi.

    Tsemppiä testin täyttämiseen!

    English test -  Sivu 1/6

    1) The bus service is good. There's a bus ............... ten minutes.
     a) all b) every c) each

    2) I don't like stories ............... have unhappy endings.
     a) who b) they c) that

    3) I'm tired. ............... to bed now. Good night.
     a) I went b) I go c) I'm going

    4) Timo left the room. He said he ............... to go.
     a) must b) had c) should

    5) Sanna lives ............... Helsinki.
     a) on b) at c) in

    6) Riina loves ............... cat.
     a) his b) her c) hers

    7) Jyrki ............... a red car.
     a) is b) has c) was

    English test -  Sivu 2/6

    1) My mother ............. in Oulu.
     a) grew up b) has grown up c) had grown up

    2) We ............. by a loud noise during the night.
     a) woke up b) are woken up c) were woken up

    3) I think the weather ............. be nice this afternoon.
     a) will b) shall c) can't

    4) How ............. now? Better than before?
     a) you are feeling b) do you feel c) will you feel

    5) I wish I ............. have to work tomorrow, but I do.
     a) don't b) didn't c) won't

    6) Eeva works six days ............. week.
     a) for b) the c) a

    7) Antero .............. 37 years old.
     a) will b) is c) be

    English test -  Sivu 3/6

    1) There are millions of stars in .............
     a) space b) in space c) the space

    2) 'What time ............ on television?'
     a) is the news b) are the news c) is news

    3) 'These shoes are uncomfortable. I'm going to .............'
     a) take off b) take them off c) take off them

    4) 'You're always at home. You ............. out more often.'
     a) should go b) had better go c) had better to go

    5) 'Where ............. ?' 'In Helsinki.'
     a) were you born b) have you been born c) were you been born

    6) Ann ............. and left.
     a) said goodbye to me b) said me goodbye c) told me goodbye

    7) The police officer stopped us and asked us where ............. .
     a) were we going b) are we going c) we were going

    English test -  Sivu 4/6

    1) Lisa was carrying a ............ bag.
     a) black small plastic b) small and black plastic c) small black plastic

    2) I'm going away ............ the end of January.
     a) at b) on c) by

    3) I had no ............ a place to live. In fact it was surprisingly easy.
     a) difficulty to find b) difficulty finding c) trouble to find

    4) We went shopping and spent ............ money.
     a) much b) many c) lots of

    5) I prefer tea ............ coffee.
     a) than b) against c) to

    6) It was a boring weekend. ............ anything.
     a) I didn't b) I don't do c) I didn't do

    7) The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He ............ before.
     a) hasn't flown b) wasn't flying c) hadn't flown

    English test -  Sivu 5/6

    1) I parked in a no-parking zone, but I ............ It.
     a) got away with b) made off with c) got on with

    2) I'll be with you in ............
     a) a quarter of hour b) a quarter of one hour c) a quarter of an hour

    3) The traffic lights ............ green and I pulled away.
     a) went b) became c) turned

    4) ............ was in the box?
     a) What you did think b) What did you think that c) What did you think

    5) Our teacher gave us ............ problem to solve.
     a) a very impossible b) a completely impossible c) an extremely impossible

    6) She's one of the kindest people ............ .
     a) who I know b) which I know c) that I know

    7) ............ people trying to get into the football match.
     a) There was too many b) It was too many c) There were too many

    English test -  Sivu 6/6

    1) Martha ............ she would be late for the meeting. She ............ she was feeling ill.
     a) told that...said that b) told me that...said that c) told that...said me that

    2) If I ............ a more reliable car, I ............ to Spain rather than fly.
     a) would have...would drive b) had...had driven c) had...would drive

    3) ............ they slept soundly.
     a) Hot as the night air was b) Hot though was the night air c) Hot although the night air was

    4) The concert features, ............ other, Karl Frisk and the Johnsons.Their music is still very popular ............ teenagers.
     a) among...between b) among...among c) between...Among

    5) When he realised I ............ at him, he ............ away.
     a) looked...turned b) was looking...was turning c) was looking...turned

    6) 'I suppose you've heard the latest ............ .'
     a) news,' she said b) news.' she said c) news', she said

    7) The council ............ postponed a decision on the new road, and many leading members of the opposition party ............ criticised the delay
     a) has...have b) has...has c) have...has

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